Abbreviated Schedule for all students during MCAS
3/19/2025 10:56 am
While only 10th Grade (and certain 11th Graders) will be taking the MCAS this spring, there will be an abbreviated schedule on all of the test dates: March 25 & 26; May 20 & 21; and June 4 & 5. HERE IS A LINK TO THE ABBREVIATED SCHEDULES.
<A Note from LS Director of Curriculum>
Dear L-S Students and Families,
The purpose of this email is to inform you about upcoming MCAS testing and the resulting changes to our regular schedule on MCAS testing days.
While passing the MCAS is no longer required for Competency Determination (CD) in Massachusetts, students are still required by federal and state law to participate in MCAS testing. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will continue to use MCAS participation rates (and the resulting achievement and growth data) in its annual accountability determinations.
In order to create the best possible testing conditions, classes will not be in session while the tests are being given. Students not taking MCAS will arrive at school at the conclusion of the MCAS testing sessions and then follow a modified schedule. Students who need additional time to work on their MCAS exam will be allowed to complete the exam, within the state guidelines, in a quiet room while classes are in progress.
Please visit to see the altered schedules, including bus route information, for the MCAS weeks.
MCAS testing sessions:
English Language Arts (ELA)
March 25 & 26
– All 10th Graders
– 11th Graders still requiring ELA MCAS
May 20 & 21
– All 10th Graders
– 11th Graders still requiring Math MCAS
Science (Biology)
June 4 & 5
– All 10th Graders
– 11th Graders still requiring Science MCAS
(11th Grade students scheduled to participate in any MCAS exam will be notified prior to testing.)
Room assignments will be posted in House Offices and outside the Main Office one week prior to testing. Students should bring pencils, pens or highlighters for use on provided scratch paper each day.
The student testing platform (MCAS Kiosk) provides an onscreen calculator for the appropriate tests and sessions, however, students may use their own handheld calculator. Students that have a school issued chromebook should bring it in, fully charged, to use for testing.
For questions, reach out to Tracey Lyons at x2342 or email